come to me in the jasmine night
let us bathe together in the dark waters of the jeweled sea.
inhaling the perfume of Nahariya
imbibing the sweet wine of Israel.
sway to the nefesh chayyah pounding in your heart
kindling the flame of your essence.
Ruach ha-kodesh – what promises do you whisper to Am Yisrael?
a refuge for the forsaken?
diamonds of wisdom for the innocents?
Ezekiel paints visions of chayote ha kodesh with wings of fire.
Gabriel blows the trumpet of lost generations.
where is my memory?
who is Elohim- the Mysterious One.
El ha-Gibbor
my solace and my staff.
you have brought me out of the desert
and fed me manna to quench my hunger.
I am the palm tree in search of my roots.
whither do I go?
form whence I came I knoweth not.
a journey without beginnings / without endings.
under the fullness of the moon
my soul dances in the hills of the Galilee.
the Diaspora.
oh wandering Jew
where is your home?
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