Once a year, for 25 hours, the country stands still…One by one, children, teens and adults swarm the empty streets. They walk, ride bikes, run around, laugh and talk. Main roads, that usually have heavy traffic, become filled with bicycles, scooters and pedestrians. Read More
Because one day they stop asking. And the silence is worse. And she stops talking about it. And her heart is so heavy she can barely stand. Read More
So this year, as I sit down to write my list of highlights, I ask myself and everyone reading: What do I want to remember from the past year? And what do I not want to remember because it hurts, but know that I need to remember? Read More
Jews are not lonely men or women of faith. We are not a people of monks, nuns or hermits living alone at the tops of mountains. When we suffer, eat, pray, argue, learn, grieve or rejoice we are not alone, for better or worse, we do it together. Read More
Is this what is must have felt like during the war when Jews could not worship? Was this what it was like being black and not allowed entry to a hotel or restaurant in the 40’s or 50’s? Read More
We must know the difference between high voltage work deadlines and adults behaving badly. Instead, l reward myself with peace. Read More