Member Directory

Corinne Fernandez-Markov lives in the Sapphire Coast of NSW with her partner Hallie, and their dogs, horses, alpacas and chooks. She is a counsellor, an actor, a wife and Imma, and would love to develop her writing into the future.

I live in a beautiful corner of Australia with my family. I am a health professional by training.

I am the general manager of a not-for-profit organization in the medical sector, dedicated to driving innovation and improving patient outcomes. As a proud Zionist and active member of the Melbourne Jewish community, I believe in the power of unity and resilience. I am passionate about challenging conventional ideas and cultivating an environment that inspires both excellence and compassion.

Inna Tsyrlin’s work responds to ideas of political freedom through the lens of historical and current events, identity in a diaspora, and society’s responsibility to the natural environment. Her plays have been presented in Melbourne, New York, and Atlanta. She always writes with a responsibility to connect to our shared humanity, empathy, and hopes.

Nicole Schwalb was born in South Africa, moved to Australia as a teen, to Israel at 30 on the wings of the Oslo Process and back to Australia on 6 October 2023. She is a constitutional lawyer, a remedial pilates teacher, a dance therapist, a mother of 3 Israeli kids and a woman of the world. Her only constant identity has been her Jewish one.

Louise Helfgott is an award-winning writer with a PhD in Creative Writing from Edith Cowan University.
Recent credits include Thistledown Seed: published July 2022 by Brandl and Schlesinger and shortlisted Dorothy Hewett Awards, 2018, WA Premier’s Book Awards 2023.
Potchnagoola: commissioned and staged by the Katharine Susannah Prichard Centre, October 2019.
Light of her Eye Todhunter Literary Award, 2014. Staged 2018 Perth Fringe Festival.
Frames staged Subiaco Arts Centre, 2014. A Closer Sky nominated AWGIE award, 2005.
The Bridge – shortlisted New Musicals Australia 2011,
Can You Hold the Sun? – Poetry anthology published by Free XpresSion 2004

I have been a peace activist and feminist all my life. My career in community development, law reform and education was focussed particularly on the prevention of violence towards women and children.
Now happily retired, I enjoy country life, grandmotherhood, writing and ceramics.

Rhonda Chiger is a professional dancer, turned corporate executive, turned amateur dancer, entrepreneur, and PTA mom. Her blog, Rhonda’s Musings, provides readers with essays about life from a middle-aged woman’s perspective. Rhonda’s experiences in the arts, corporate America, and as a wife and mom provides her with plenty of advice, fodder, and general commiseration on everyday life. Her blog is both sentimental and witty, always with a message of positivity and moving forward.


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