Kami Rosenblatt is a junior in high school in the San Francisco Bay Area. During the fall semester of my junior year, I participated in a high school semester abroad to Israel through the URJ Heller High. Throughout my four months, I strengthened my Jewish identity, submerged myself in Israeli culture, learned the history of the Jewish homeland, traveled to Poland for Holocaust education, and participated in over 40 hours of tzedakah, volunteering, projects, including four days at an Israeli Defense Forces military base. This was a life-changing experience, and I hope I can share the knowledge I’ve learned to inspire and impact others for their future journeys.
Kami Rosenblatt is a junior in high school in the San Francisco Bay Area. During the fall semester of my junior year, I participated in a high school semester abroad to Israel through the URJ Heller High. Throughout my four months, I strengthened my Jewish identity, submerged myself in Israeli culture, learned the history of the Jewish homeland, traveled to Poland for Holocaust education, and participated in over 40 hours of tzedakah, volunteering, projects, including four days at an Israeli Defense Forces military base. This was a life-changing experience, and I hope I can share the knowledge I’ve learned to inspire and impact others for their future journeys.