Hadassah Brenner serves as a combat medic and soldier in the IDF. She finds that writing eases her mind and helps her better understand the many frustrations and complicated thoughts that her job as a soldier entails. Her first poetry collection “The Warrior Princess Once Said,” was published in July 2019 by the Leaf Publishing House.
Through her writing, Hadassah attempts to understand and explain her journey and experiences as a solider. What does it actually mean to be a soldier? Is there more than one kind of war that we all must fight? Can poetry be a weapon, if for every battle in life, she has set out with her sword dipped in ink, ready to write it all down?
Hadassah Brenner serves as a combat medic and soldier in the IDF. She finds that writing eases her mind and helps her better understand the many frustrations and complicated thoughts that her job as a soldier entails. Her first poetry collection “The Warrior Princess Once Said,” was published in July 2019 by the Leaf Publishing House.
Through her writing, Hadassah attempts to understand and explain her journey and experiences as a solider. What does it actually mean to be a soldier? Is there more than one kind of war that we all must fight? Can poetry be a weapon, if for every battle in life, she has set out with her sword dipped in ink, ready to write it all down?