Ronit Bergman is the author of three books of poetry: Honey Lasso (ILI ILI, 2012), The Hair of my Heart (PNV Publikacii, 2011), and A Grave of Your Own (Gvanim, 2007). She is the recipient of the Scholarship of Excellency for the discipline of literature, awarded by the Israeli Ministry of Culture, Science and Sports in 2007. Her work has appeared in Shvo (Editorial of Even Hoshen), Proza, and Iton 77 in Hebrew; and in The San Diego State University Press Poetry International, Slovokult, Nashe Pismo, La Mangrana, and elsewhere in English and Macedonian. She has recorded her poetry with her three alternative rock bands (Plastic Venus, One Of Us, and Undone) in 13 music albums, published by indie Israeli and UK record labels (Dental, Swim, The Third Ear, Earsay Records, Fact records, Fruit De Mer) and by her own label Meeting Tent. Her most recent album is “To My Nervous System With Love” (2022). In 2022, she began her self-challenge online project “1000 Days To Wisdom”. She has lived in Israel, the USA, the UK, and now lives in Skopje, North Macedonia.