Dr. Sherri Izes Becker is a certified school nurse. She teaches nursing at Gwynedd Mercy University.
Carole Leskin is a 75 year old woman. She is smart, a life long learner and curious. She has a good sense of humour and loves to laugh. She works hard to be kind, is a patient listener and open minded. She is a valued friend. She love animals and the outdoors. She is a writer and photographer. She has health challenges, especially in the last two years that have changed her physical abilities. She has seven decades of experiences, both good and bad, and life lessons that she's happy to share and makes her a helpful mentor.
Beatrice Weber is an Interspiritual Minister, writer and speaker. She was born and raised in the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Community and was married off to a Rabbi when she was 18, before graduating High School. After 22 years and 10 children, she left her marriage and eventually the community with her four youngest children, despite severe opposition from her family and the community. She is passionate about sharing her experiences and empowering others to choose a life that is fulfilling for them.
Michelle is a wife and a mother to 27 year old twins- a boy and a girl (Taryn and Daniel). Her son Daniel has special needs. He has taught her so much about the human spirit, about perseverance, belief in herself and him and unconditional love. He brings them much joy and unbeknown to him, he has touched many lives and taught many .
As a Baby Boomer Bubbe who still feels 18 but has four grand kids to prove this is the 21st Century, Sandra writes to leave a legacy for the next generations. Her belief that these precious kids need to know their cultural and family's past in order for them to live their best future is all the muse she needs. She has a Master's Degree in Psychology and Cross Cultural studies, has written a family history, personal memoir, has completed her first novel and is working on her second. She spent some of her best times as a national board member to Women of Reform Judaism and president of her Temple's chapter. She also worked for The J, the Jewish newspaper of the San Francisco Bay Area. Her Bubbe's journey to America from Russia, with a life of too many losses, is her source for her deep belief and love for Judaism and family. Sandra is proudly Californian born and bred. These days, when Sandra is not writing or spending time with her three children and grandchildren, she is a Home Chef for local families who don't have time to cook healthy, fresh meals. She creates weekly menus for the families to choose from, provides their ingredient list and then goes to the client's home and cooks the various dishes! Stories and food---SO Jewish!
Anna Jacobson is a poet and artist from Brisbane, Australia. In 2018 she won the Thomas Shapcott Poetry Prize for 'Amnesia Findings' (UQP, 2019). Anna also won the Queensland Premier’s Young Publishers and Writers Award. Her writing has been published in literary journals and anthologies including Griffith Review, Chicago Quarterly Review, Cordite, Meanjin, Rabbit, Australian Poetry Journal, ABR’s States of Poetry Queensland, and more. Her website is http://www.annajacobson.com.au
Fiona Kelmann is a former lawyer who is passionate about human rights, Israel and Jewish history. Fiona Kelmann is Irma Hanner’s custodian, as part of the Jewish Holocaust Centre’s ‘Custodian of Memories’ Project.
Keren Zelwer is a speech pathologist and active member of the Melbourne Jewish community. She is a feminist and an advocate for disability inclusion.
Liora Sher is 19 years old and graduated last year from Mount Scopus College. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons) at Monash University.