Member Directory

Carly Glasser is a Year 10 student at Mount Scopus College

Ginette Searle is the Executive Director of the Zionist Federation of Australia

Hannah Weinberg is a Year 12 student at Mount Scopus College. She is passionate about writing and literature, inspiring her to write this poem for her peers.

Tamara is the front woman of Tamara and the Dreams, a university student, and a youth movement leader.

Lior Misrach was born in Israel and raised in Sydney, Australia. She has recently returned to Israel with her young family. She is a passionate educator and writer. Lior has more than a decade of teaching experience and has had two academic articles published. She has recently started a blog ( about her experiences teaching in Israel. You can also follow her on twitter @LMisrachi.

I am a young woman, passionate about animal rights and love to explore new things. I'm hoping to write more to really find my own voice.

Zoe Singer is a Year 12 student at Mount Scopus Memorial College in Melbourne.

My parents escaped the holocaust in Poland into the far reaches of Kazakhstan where I was born at the end of WWII. Before my first birthday a Kazakh clan had offered a bride price for me. This and other stories fuelled my imagination, prompting me to write. Soon after I turned one, we all returned to Poland and stayed there until changes in the communist regime encouraged Jews to migrate. In Australia I attended high school, then Monash University, completed medical degree and became family doctor. For many years I had published travelogues and short stories in a weekly magazine, ‘Medical Observer’. To improve my writing, I have completed various writing courses at Writers Victoria. Last October I had my first book published, ‘Flight of the Swallow’, now available in Avenue bookstore and at

Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt is Co-Senior Rabbi at Adas Israel Congregation, the oldest and largest conservative synagogue in Washington, DC. She has been recognized by The Forward as one of the 32 most inspiring rabbis in the country.


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