A Year Like No Other

Has my life changed since 7 October 2023? Irrevocably. Totally and completely. I measure what I say now, weighing up my words against what I have to lose. I choose not to argue with people who live in an echo chamber instead of embracing a more holistic understanding. I find myself fighting against polarities and binary notions in a world that has become more polarised and divisive. Read More

A Year Like No Other

A Palestinian flag flies above a building right in the centre of my picturesque rural town of Castlemaine. It has been there for almost a year. It demonstrates, for those who raised it, a commitment to peace, love and support for the victims of a devastating war on the other side of the planet. Read More


Ziemba was born in the Lodz Ghetto on September 9, 1942, one day before 13,000 children under ten were to be sent to an extermination camp. Arrangements were made for the infant to be hidden in a garbage truck and smuggled outside the Ghetto where a Christian Polish farmer retrieved him and took him home to be raised as his own. Read More


Lou was born a Jew during a period of extermination, hidden by a resourceful mother, taught Polish by a non-Jewish Polish family, taught German by nuns in a convent, recovered from TB, and taught Yiddish and right from wrong by his parents in a German DP camp. Read More


She was so beautiful—like a poem silenced and given no name.  She was just what the world fears most—a woman put together, need unmet, yet cleverly resolved and blameless.  A Jewish woman who’d survived numerous rewrites and script changes. Read More


I was never comfortable with the identity of victim associated with being Jewish. Yes, we were victimized in the past. But today, the wholesale destruction of all of Gaza by Israel shifts the narrative. Now we are seen, globally, as victimizers. Read More


Not long after, I trained as a Laughter Yoga leader. I became an expert extolling laughter’s virtue to anyone who’d listen. That was until a distinctly un-funny time in my life—a bowel cancer diagnosis at age forty-two. Despite there being nothing humorous about cancer, I knew deep within that laughter was inextricably bound to my experience. The moment had arrived to practice what I preached. I just needed time (and a couple of major operations) to connect the dots. Read More


…when I’m in trouble, when the airplane unexpectedly coughs or rolls or dips, I am the first to recite the “shema” silently, urgently: “Hear O’ Israel, the Lord our God the Lord is One.” Read More

I was standing in a wide-open space all alone and there was a feeling of serenity with almost nobody else around. The birds were chirping and there was a big old, beautiful tree in front of me. Speaking to myself felt very strange in the first few minutes and I wondered if this is what… Read More
It’s probably a true-ism that we become more of who we are in a crisis. So I am catching up with friends from near and far and conversations take as long as they should. I am taking gloriously unhurried walks. I am enjoying reading history –Simon Schama’s The Story of the Jews – Finding the… Read More
Rebecca Forgasz was the Director & CEO of the Jewish Museum of Australia for nearly ten years. This extract of her farewell lecture, Ten tantalising tales: stories from our collection, is part of a series published here to mark the High Holidays. In each instalment Rebecca reflects on the personal, collective and cultural significance of objects… Read More
Image Zoe Arnott Jewish
In December 2017, I walked down the Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations at Yad VaShem in Jerusalem. This avenue, lined by large trees was created in honour of the non-Jewish people who risked their lives to save Jews during the Shoah. It is a symbol of resistance against the fascist Nazi regime and… Read More
We’ve all heard a lot about God We are told he knows when you are good or bad We are told he knows when you are asleep or awake We are told he does not overlook anyone, even by mistake So God here I am today Not in the form of singing or praying Just… Read More
His afternoon bus approaches…. I can see him through the window; he’s rocking backwards and forwards… he’s biting his left hand angrily… something is upsetting his balance. I slide open the door of the mini bus and he’s looking at me, talking with his eyes. I undo his seat belt and he’s angry … I… Read More
I like scoring comedy gigs, particularly unexpectedly. Last minute in Amsterdam via facebook I get this gig with a whole crowd of other international comedians at The Comedy Café. I’m in Amsterdam as part of an 8 week comedy research tour. The gig is down town, about 7 km’s away from the hotel I’m staying… Read More
I learn you again, after long separation. Time, space — matrices that germinate knowing. My loss becomes gain after patient gestation.   Home study – is it work, or vacation? Unwanted confinement, or respite from going? You reclaim me after long separation .   Since your bar mitzvah I’ve been a way-station, A hot meal bolted, a quick… Read More
Sleep evades Truth invades Struggling to be set free Tortured thoughts Not for naught But who is the real me Deep below Not for show Is a person waiting to be Kept at bay Hidden away But what is the magic key Locked tight With all might Are emotions no one gets to see It… Read More


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